Tuesday, November 30, 2021


I came to decide this age rating, mainly because there is a small amount of violence that occurs in the film, to the point where I do not think it would be very suitable for someone under 15 to watch. Also, some of the parts, e.g the guitar part may be confusing for some people, mostly people under 15.

Friday, November 12, 2021


                                            Planning - MY AUDIENCE QUESTIONNAIRE

I am using Google forms to create a questionnaire for my target audience and send it to people who are likely to watch our film. I will ask questions referring to age, gender, what types of films they prefer to watch, what influences them to watch a film and where they prefer to watch it. Our production team want to make a film that would appeal to young people aged 15-35. Our questionnaire will be useful to ensure that our type of genre will appeal to this audience. Through the use of Google Forms I will be able to collect this data.

PLANNING MY AUDIENCE QUESTIONAIRE I am using Google forms to create a questionnaire for my target audience and send it to people who are likely to watch our film. I will ask questions referring to age, gender, what types of films they prefer to watch, what influences them to watch a film and where they prefer to watch it. Our production team want to make a film that would appeal to young people aged 15-35. Our questionnaire will be useful to ensure that our type of genre will appeal to this audience. Through the use of Google Forms, I will be able to collect this data. These are the questions I intend to ask: 

1. What is your gender? 2. What age category do you fit into? 3. Which of these your film genres would you watch? Pick as many as you wish. 4. What was the last film you watched? 5. What platform would you most likely use to watch a film? 6. Which of these trailers have you seen? 7. Which of these platforms would you use to find out about films? 8. What is the most likely reason you would watch a new film? 

These are the questions I intend to ask:

(Opening message) I would be grateful if you complete this short survey on films and what you prefer

1.  What is your gender?

2.  What age category do you fit into?

3.  Which of these your film genres would you watch? Pick as many as you wish.

4.  What was the last film you watched?

5.  What platform would you most likely use to watch a film?

6.  Which of these trailers have you seen?

7.  Which of these platforms would you use to find out about films?

8.  What is the most likely reason you would watch a new film?

This helps identify my target audience from using these answers to the questionnaire, I used google forms to create a group of questions. I sent it to my friends, and a few teachers.

Thursday, November 11, 2021


Our opening film sequence involves a new scene, where the news reporters spoke about a recent death of a young girl in the woods. To film this, we used two people in our school year, Olivia Stocks and Sam Hartley, as the news readers. As they were already in business clothes, this role worked well for them and they speak nicely, which is important for a news reader. We moved the black sofa in front of the green screen, then tried our best to create an autocue so they could read their script whilst 'looking at the camera'. This was successful, they both played their roles professionally and it looks very convincing. When we begin to edit, we will turn the green screen into a news backdrop. We used a tripod and iPhone to film this scene, with myself and other team member directing.



Kezia Williams, of Entertainment One UK, on the FutureLearn Film Distribution by the Film Distributors Association, She highlights the importance of knowing your target audience. She asks questions like "what drives them to the cinema" and "what interests do they have". According to Kezia Williams, distributors create a comp list, which is what I am going to do.

She also says distributors will compare data of films that are similar in their genre, selling points and story. The target audience and budget is formulated from what box office take was like with previous films and the types of audience that saw those films. The target audience can be analysed to find the gender gap, and which cinemas the target audience usually frequent.

I learnt from this and put together my own comp list, consisting of three films that I would regard to follow similar themes and that my target audience might also enjoy:

O by Matt S

Wednesday, November 10, 2021


In a lot of cinema and other types of entertainment, crimes over love and passion over someone else has been a large recurring theme in a large amount of film. These films usually involve someone who falls in love with another person and leads to them being violent over their love. The term 'crime passionel' refers to this term, showing how a lot of crime is lead to due passion and love over someone. This is where someone is aggressively in a sum of powerful feelings in the heat of the moment, and commits violence and crime without any thought process or going through it, which is then argued to not be first degree murder as it was not pre planned. I want this idea to link into my film opening, involving a blow up in emotion, and a psycho who commits murder due to his mindset inside, and passion. A film that is similar to this is A Perfect Murder (1998) where a man has his wife murdered due to her being with another man. 

Robert Downings poetry, more specifically My Last Duchess describes a man who is a collector of valuable objects. However, when he finds out his wife smiles at other people on the street, or gives her compliments, he shows a feeling of jealousy and anger. This leads to him having her murdered, as a result. Then, he 'possesses' her by having a portrait of her, and hiding her portrait with his other valuable objects.

In my film, my partner and I planning to approach it with a similar theme, with a man who is jealous of another woman, and murders her in cold blood. After this, we are planning a voiceover of him reading My Last Duchess, in an attempt to justify his murder, and tell to himself why he did at, as a coping mechanism.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021


                                               Planning - My target audience and how I engaged them

From the FutureLearn course that I am following Distribution: Connecting Films With Audiences, I know that all products are targeted at specific audiences. I needed to plan how to reach my target audience. Therefore, I needed to know who they are (factors that may be relevant include age, gender, ethnicity, social class), what their media needs are (so that I could produce a product that they will want) and how to reach them (to market my film). I will show how my research has shaped / influenced my planning. I investigated how Bauer Media define their audiences. 

Monday, November 1, 2021



The credits of Skyfall portrays a story of the rough idea of the film to bring hype to the audience as to what may happen, and to tease then, which will excite people into watching it. The action films conventions are shown by the images in the opening sequence, such as blood, fire, and graveyards. This gives the audience a view on what the film will be like, and what kinds if things will happen, for example shooting, death, and lots of action.

The opening scene of Skyfall is a scene underwater that very promptly has James Bond smash against the water, with his corpse slowly being zoomed on and showing his body, giving the viewers an idea of what has happend to Bond. In addition, with the white surface of the water splashing everywhere it represents action and intensity as we found out that he has supposedly died. The camera slowly zooms up towards a close up of his body, which shows a gunshot on his right hand shoulder, as his body lifelessly falls into doom and darkness, represented by him slowly getting darker as he sinks and the camera tilting down on him.

Then it shows a close up of Bonds hand being grasped by a random figure, being dragged downwards, and it then zooms out to show a very large hand dragging him downwards into a spiral in the pool. Also, during the song Adele sings 'this is the end' this represents how his era has finally finished and is being taken on a journey being dragged around. It begins to start the credits as Bond's body is shown on a cutout of where he got shot, and as his body slowly falls underwater. 

After a few more camera transitions showing different producers, a slow line of blood starts forming and shapes out a red skull made if blood. This represents death, in that if bond comes near you, it is the end, as quoted in the song. The song represents the slower tempo in the introduction and credits, as it is introducing all the people involved and portrays a story to the audience that is slow paced, so it can build up during the course of the film. The story portrayed is about Bond falling in love with someone that leads to their fate.


I worked with Rebecca Todd 1982 Our brief was to make the titles and opening of a new fiction film (to last a maximum of two minutes). We ma...